Wednesday 11 January 2012

Book Review - "What To Wear, Where" by Hillary Kerr & Katherine Power

For all the women out there who wear the same tired, uninspired clothes every day (especially mums who live in jeans & sneakers all the time), here is a book that will help you re-think your style choices. This book has tips & ideas on how to put clothes together to make your look seem effortless but fashionable & relevant.

Designed as a reference book, it alphabetically lists various occasions & has photos of the authors dressed in clothing that they recommend for each occasion. The authors also include tips on what not to wear, which is very handy. There's also a section at the back about their must-have wardrobe essentials.

Pick up this book & it'll show you what to wear for a number of different occasions, including: a job interview, a wedding, a concert, a kids' event, a family reunion, a first date, a barbeque, & even your daily errands.

You don't have to refer to it every day but, at those times when you're stuck for ideas, or when you know that the jeans & sneakers look has reached it's use-by date, you can flip through this book & get some great ideas. All the hard work is done for you. It might even help you find inspiration from the items in your wardrobe that haven't been worn in a while.

x Kathy x

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