Friday 11 May 2012

Hair Clip Organisation

I was getting a bit frustrated every time I wanted to put a hair clip in Little Miss's hair. The storage I was using for the clips was not working out so well - I'm sure you'll all agree.....

This fabric bag with the clips attached to it, was hanging on the back of her bedroom door!

I decided to go through the house & see if I could find some inspiration.
Rather than buying a new storage container that would eventually be thrown out or take up room once we no longer needed it, I thought that using something "not for the purpose it was intended" would work just fine.
This is what I came up with. What do you think?

Much prettier & easier to use. I just had to make sure I put it on a high shelf in her room where Little Miss can't reach it.

It's amazing what you find around the house that's not being used. I only ever use the egg cup holder at Easter, which is perfect as Easter has just gone, & the little bowl is one of so many you can find in your kitchen. I'm sure once Easter comes around next year, I'll have to upgrade to a larger container so I won't need to use the egg cup plate anymore.

The egg cup plate can also be used in the study to store paper clips & other little stationery items.....

Now if I can only figure out how to store her headbands. Any suggestions?

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